A sudden breeze passed behind me again. I was in my parent’s bedroom sitting on the bed watching TV. I sensed someone entering the room. I turned around to say Hi … no one was there. I stared looking at the door and continued to feel a breeze move from the door and then approaching the bed and sitting next to me. I am still looking at the “breeze”, at the “air”. I continued to watch TV. Then I felt the breeze leaving I can follow its path through the room. It was official; I was able to sense energy.
I was looking for a house. I had an appointment to visit a beautiful one with a big garden. Get in the house, I felt uncomfortable, I went to check the rooms … I need to get out of here, someone is following me. I asked the realtor “Has someone just passed away in this house?” She looked at me puzzled. I like the house but I cannot buy it.
I was lying down on my bed and someone touched my forehead. The room is dark there is nobody else other than me in the bed. I am fully awake.

These are only a few real-life situations I am using to describe how it would feel to sense a spirit. Have you ever experienced something similar? You may have a psychic ability called “clairsentience”, which means clear feeling or clear sensing. Clairsentience is the ability to feel present, past and future physical and emotional states of others, without the use of your common five senses. You are receiving psychic information but through other senses.
Psychic abilities are connected to centers of spiritual power or energy points in our human body. These energy points are called chakras. Clairsentience is connected to the heart and sacral chakra.
The heart chakra is the energy center that regulates clairsentience. It is associated with integration, a bridge between earthly and spiritual aspirations. It allows us to feel compassion, love, and beauty.
The sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions and feelings. It’s the center of our feelings and sensations. It allows us to feel the outer and inner worlds.
If you would like to develop or increase this ability, here are some ideas on how to do it:
- Sleep next to a clear quartz crystal
- Work with the aroma of pink roses or rose essential oil
- Meditate. Work with your breathing to balance your energy.
- Dance freely, like no one else is watching you. Enjoy it feel the rhythm.
- Let go unhealthy emotions, people and memories.
Stay tuned for more information about other ways of receiving psychic information through the ability of clairsentience.
Sending you all positive energy and much love, Silvia.
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